Madison West raises over £3,000
for The Little Princess Trust


There was a real buzz around Mullabrack Parish Hall, Markethill on Saturday morning 14th March.
Our organ scholar and praise band vocalist Madison West had agreed to sacrifice 35 cms of her long black hair.
A Coffee Morning and Sale was organised and supported by over 250 people.
The centre-piece of the morning was the "big cut" at about 11.15am
Madison's beautiful hair has been donated to "The Little Princess Trust" - a charity that provides real hair wigs (free of charge)
to boys and girls throughout the UK and Ireland who have lost their own hair due to cancer treatment or other illnessess.

The "Little Princess Trust" was set up in memory of Hannah Tarplee, a little girl from Hereford
who lost her life after battling with cancer.

To donate to Madison's "Cut for Cancer" please use the following link:


Madison "before" and "after"


Megan Grant and Madison West sing for the assembled crowd while Mum - Sharon West, and
Youth Group leaders Nigel Menary and Jill Hunter keep the masses feed.


Proud grandparents pose with the new look Madison and her "ex" pigtails.

The West family as Madison receives the David Wilson organ scholar shield.